Targeted Ads
Attribution Rule

ADCIO Attribution Model (Recommendations, Advertisements)

ADCIO requires the log collection for both click and impression. Clicks always has a higher priority than impressions.
  • Last Click Attribution: Attributes to the last clicked ad during the lookback period.
  • Last Impression Attribution: Attributes to the last impressed ad during the lookback period.

Why you should enable last-impression lookback attribution

For both recommendations and advertisements, setting both last-click and last-impression lookback is recommended.
  • For on-site recommendations/advertisements, the traffic is limited, making it challenging to accurately gauge the effectiveness of ADCIO if we only rely on last-click metrics due to the small sample size.
  • Therefore, by also considering last impression lookback, we can account for conversion outcomes that occur without direct clicks on the recommendations/advertisements. This approach enables a more precise measurement of ADCIO's impact.

Recommendation Lookback

  • ADCIO's recommendation audience typically consists of users who are already contemplating a purchase or have a high level of interest in the client's brand. As a result, their buying journey tends to be shorter compared to those targeted by advertisements.
  • Consequently, unlike ads, we offer lookback options with shorter time frames, such as sessions (30 minutes).
attribution modelDefaultOptions
Last Click14 daysSession / 1 / 3 / 7 / 30 days
Last Impression14 daysSession / 1 / 3 / 7 / 30 days

Advertisement Lookback

CPC Campaigns

attribution modelDefaultOptions
Last Click14 days1 / 7 / 30 days
Last Impression14 daysnone / 1 / 7 /30 days


  • The lookback period for Last Impression cannot be longer than that for Last Click.
  • If you choose "none" for the Last Impression lookback setting, conversions that occur without clicks will not be included in the metrics.

CPM Campaigns

attribution modelDefaultOptions
Last Impression14 days1 / 7 /30 days

Attribution Rules for Related Products (Recommendations, Advertisements):

What are “related products”?

Related products refer to items either listed in an ad that has received clicks or impressions, or those in the same category and sold by the same seller. In such cases, any resulting purchases are attributed to the advertisement, recognizing its contribution to the sale.

Related products refer to items either listed in an ad that has received clicks or impressions, or those in the same category and sold by the same seller. In such cases, any resulting purchases are attributed to the advertisement, recognizing its contribution to the sale.

Priority for Related Product Performance Attribution

  1. Click Events First: Initially, we prioritize click events. If there is a click event for the exact product, it takes precedence. If not, we consider click events for products within the same category of the same seller.
  2. Impression Events: If no click events exist, we then look at impression events for the exact product. If none are found, we consider impression events for products within the same category of the same seller.
  3. Priority Rules: If there are no click events for the exact product, we follow this order: click events for the same category, impression events for the exact product, and finally, impression events for the same category.
  4. No Attribution: If no relevant events are found, the conversion performance is not attributed.

Purchase Attribution Cases for Multiple Ads from Different Sellers

Case 1. Applying both Last Click Attribution and Last Impression Attribution

No.Case DescriptionScenarioAttributionExplanation
1Click and purchase within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Seller A's ad and then purchased Seller A's productSeller AClick event is within the Lookback Period, and the clicked product was purchased, so the performance is attributed to Seller A
1.2Click and purchase a related category product within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Seller A's ad and then purchased a product in Seller A's categorySeller AClick event is within the Lookback Period, and a related category product was purchased, so the performance is attributed to Seller A
1.3Multiple Clicks - Attribution based on Last ClickUser clicked both Seller A and Seller B's ads, but most recently clicked Seller B's ad and then purchased Seller B's productSeller BThe most recent click, which is Seller B's ad, is within the Lookback Period, so the performance is attributed to Seller B
1.4Click and purchase an unrelated product within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Seller A's ad and then purchased a product not in Seller A's categoryNo AttributionThe clicked product and the purchased product are not related, so no attribution is made
2Impression and purchase within Impression Lookback PeriodSeller A's ad was shown, and then the user purchased Seller A's product (no click)Seller ANo click event, so the impression event is considered; the shown product was purchased, so the performance is attributed to Seller A
2.2Impression and purchase a related category product within Impression Lookback PeriodSeller A's ad was shown, and then the user purchased a product in Seller A's category (no click)Seller ANo click event, so the impression event is considered; a related category product was purchased, so the performance is attributed to Seller A
2.3Multiple Impressions - Attribution based on Last ImpressionBoth Seller A and Seller B's ads were shown, but most recently Seller B's ad was shown and then the user purchased Seller B's product (no click)Seller BNo click event, so the impression event is considered; the most recent impression, which is Seller B's ad, is within the Lookback Period, so the performance is attributed to Seller B
2.4Impression and purchase an unrelated product within Impression Lookback PeriodSeller A's ad was shown, and then the user purchased a product not in Seller A's category (no click)No AttributionNo click event, and the shown product and purchased product are not related, so no attribution is made
3Click and purchase outside Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Seller A's ad and then purchased Seller A's product outside the Lookback PeriodNo AttributionThe click event is outside the Lookback Period, so no attribution is made
4Impression and purchase outside Impression Lookback PeriodSeller A's ad was shown, and then the user purchased Seller A's product outside the Lookback PeriodNo AttributionThe impression event is outside the Lookback Period, so no attribution is made

Case 2. Only Applying Last Click Attribution

No.Case DescriptionScenarioAttributionExplanation
1Click and purchase within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Seller A's ad and then purchased Seller A's productSeller AClick event is within the Lookback Period, and the clicked product was purchased, so the performance is attributed to Seller A
1.2Click and purchase a related category product within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Seller A's ad and then purchased a product in Seller A's categorySeller AClick event is within the Lookback Period, and a related category product was purchased, so the performance is attributed to Seller A
1.3Multiple Clicks - Attribution based on Last ClickUser clicked both Seller A and Seller B's ads, but most recently clicked Seller B's ad and then purchased Seller B's productSeller BThe most recent click, which is Seller B's ad, is within the Lookback Period, so the performance is attributed to Seller B
1.4Click and purchase an unrelated product within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Seller A's ad and then purchased a product not in Seller A's categoryNo AttributionThe clicked product and the purchased product are not related, so no attribution is made
2Click and purchase outside Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Seller A's ad and then purchased Seller A's product outside the Lookback PeriodNo AttributionThe click event is outside the Lookback Period, so no attribution is made


  • Exact Product: The exact product that was shown in the ad.
  • Related Product: A product in the same category and sold by the same seller as the one shown in the ad.
  • Lookback Period: The duration within which the attribution is valid after a click or impression.
  • No Attribution: No click or impression events relevant to the purchased product within the Lookback Period.

Purchase Attribution Cases for Multiple Ads from the Same Seller

Case 1. Applying Both Last Click Attribution and Last Impression Attribution

No.Case DescriptionScenarioAttributionExplanation
1Click and purchase within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Ad A, purchased Product A (exact product shown)Ad AClick event is within the Lookback Period, and the exact product shown in Ad A was purchased.
1.2Click and purchase related product within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Ad A, purchased Product B (related product in same category and same seller)Ad AClick event is within the Lookback Period, and the product purchased is related (same category and seller) to the product shown in Ad A.
1.3Multiple Clicks - Attribution based on Last ClickUser clicked Ad A, then Ad B, purchased Product B (related to Ad B)Ad BThe last clicked ad is Ad B, and the purchased product is related to Ad B.
1.4Click and purchase an unrelated product within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Ad A, purchased Product C (unrelated to Ad A and Ad B)No AttributionThe clicked ad and purchased product are not related (not in the same category or different seller).
2Impression and purchase within Impression Lookback PeriodAd A was shown, purchased Product A (exact product shown)Ad ANo click event; the impression event is considered, and the exact product shown in Ad A was purchased.
2.2Impression and purchase related product within Impression Lookback PeriodAd A was shown, purchased Product B (related product in same category and same seller)Ad ANo click event; the impression event is considered, and the product purchased is related (same category and seller) to the product shown in Ad A.
2.3Multiple Impressions - Attribution based on Last ImpressionAd A and Ad B were shown, purchased Product B after seeing Ad B last (related to Ad B)Ad BNo click event; the last impression is Ad B, and the product purchased is related to Ad B.
2.4Impression and purchase an unrelated product within Impression Lookback PeriodAd A was shown, purchased Product C (unrelated to Ad A and Ad B)No AttributionNo click event; the impression event and purchased product are not related (not in the same category or different seller).
3Click and purchase outside Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Ad A, purchased Product A (exact product shown) outside the Lookback PeriodNo AttributionThe click event is outside the Lookback Period.
4Impression and purchase outside Impression Lookback PeriodAd A was shown, purchased Product A (exact product shown) outside the Lookback PeriodNo AttributionThe impression event is outside the Lookback Period.

Case 2. Only Applying Last Click Attribution

No.Case DescriptionScenarioAttributionExplanation
1Click and purchase within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Ad A, purchased Product A (exact product shown)Ad AClick event is within the Lookback Period, and the exact product shown in Ad A was purchased.
1.2Click and purchase related product within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Ad A, purchased Product B (related product in same category and same seller)Ad AClick event is within the Lookback Period, and the product purchased is related (same category and seller) to the product shown in Ad A.
1.3Multiple Clicks - Attribution based on Last ClickUser clicked Ad A, then Ad B, purchased Product B (related to Ad B)Ad BThe last clicked ad is Ad B, and the purchased product is related to Ad B.
1.4Click and purchase an unrelated product within Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Ad A, purchased Product C (unrelated to Ad A and Ad B)No AttributionThe clicked ad and purchased product are not related (not in the same category or different seller).
2Click and purchase outside Click Lookback PeriodUser clicked Ad A, purchased Product A (exact product shown) outside the Lookback PeriodNo AttributionThe click event is outside the Lookback Period.


  • Exact Product: The exact product that was shown in the ad.
  • Related Product: A product in the same category and sold by the same seller as the one shown in the ad.
  • Lookback Period: The duration within which the attribution is valid after a click or impression.
  • No Attribution: No click or impression events relevant to the purchased product within the Lookback Period.